showing 13 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardlanguage
Robot Warlords  Midas Interactive Entertainment;Nexus Interact (DaZZ)2000en, jplabelimageminimize
Ring of Red Konami (KCE Studios)2001en, fr, de, jplabelimagesubject
Battle Engine Aquila Atari (Lost Toys)2003enlabelimagesubject
Drakengard  Square Enix;Take 2 Interactive (cavia)2003en, jplabelimagesubject
Warhammer 40,000: Fire Warrior  THQ (Kuju Entertainment)2003ch, enlabelimagesubject
Killzone Sony Computer Entertainment (Guerilla Games)2004dut, en, fr, de, it, splabelimagesubject
Close Combat: First to Fight 2K Games (Destineer)2005enlabelminimizeminimize
Rogue Trooper Eidos (Rebellion)2006enlabelimagesubject
WWII: Tank Battles Midas Interactive Entertainment (Interactive Vision)2006enlabelimageminimize
WWI: Aces of the Sky Midas Interactive Entertainment (Naps Team)2006enlabelimageminimize
Odin Sphere  Atlus (Vanillaware)2007en, jplabelimagesubject
WWII: Battle over Europe Midas Interactive Entertainment (Interactive Vision)2007enlabelimageminimize
Star Wars The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes  LucasArts (Krome Studios)2009enlabelimagesubject